The problem: inactivity


Seniors who do not exercise have a high risk of contracting pneumonia.

Do you know someone confined to bed or in a wheelchair? Perhaps they lack access to an easy and affordable option for cardiovascular exercise.

Fall prevention. Faster recovery.

With limited exercise options and declining health, 1 in 3 seniors experience a significant fall each year. Thousands of others fracture a hip or opt for a knee replacement. 

We can help.


The American Heart Association recommends reaching 50-85% maximal heart rate, to improve functional capacity. But many seniors can only safely achieve these rates on some form of stationary bicycle, due to their high fall risk. 


Recumbent bicycles are bulky and expensive. So are most arm ergometers on the market. 

Until now.


Introducing BedBike: the portable arm ergometer.

Male senior using BedBike, a portable arm ergometer

We help loved ones live healthier.

Exercise safely and independently while in bed.

Regain strength and mobility.


Designed by a physiotherapist.

We invented BedBike to fill the gap we found in senior health care: the portable, adjustable exercise product.

Our arm ergometer has been introduced to 20+ facilities in British Columbia.